图片来自顾问单位犬影村提供 《世界动物福利宣言》包含以下四项基本原则:1、动物福利应成为所有国家的共同目标; The welfare of animals shall be a common objective for all nations;2、促进各个国家达到动物福利标准,应充分考虑到社会和经济的因素,以及宗教和传统文化的影响,从国家和国际两个层面去进行相应措施的确认、观察和改善; The standards of animal welfare attained by each nation shall be promoted, recognized and observed by improved measures, nationally and internationally, respecting social and economic considerations and religious and cultural traditions;3、各国应采取适当的步骤,防止虐待动物和减少动物的痛苦; All appropriate steps shall be taken by nations to prevent cruelty to animals and to reduce their suffering; 4、要深入发展和制定动物福利的适当原则,诸如规范和管理农场动物、伴侣动物、实验动物、工作动物、野生动物和娱乐动物的动物福利原则。 Appropriate standards on the welfare of animals [should] be further developed and elaborated such as, but not limited to, those governing the use and management of farm animals, companion animals, animals in scientific research, draught animals, wildlife, and animals in recreation. 而根据世界动物保护协会的动物分类政策,动物被分为六类:农场动物、实验动物、伴侣动物、工作动物、娱乐动物和野生动物。该协会还特别强调农场动物是供人吃的,而那些狗、猫等伴侣动物、工作动物、实验动物、野生动物是不能食用的,动物保护组织是在保护这些不能食用的动物。
图片来自格德法宠铲屎官家族成员:五花肉 以下是格小宠从世界动物保护协会官网摘取的与伴侣动物相关的宣言(中文为格小宠翻译,如有差错,欢迎指正):2020年6月,世界动物保护协会发表的宣言中含有宠物动物保护相关的条款如下: The June 2000 WSPA declaration included some provisions similar to those of the Convention on the Protection of Pet Animals:1、伴侣动物主人有义务承担伴侣动物一生的照顾和福利,如无法继续照顾伴侣动物,应将它们交付给可靠的人; Owners of companion animals shall be obliged to take responsibility for their care and welfare for the duration of the animals’ lives or to make arrangements to pass them on to a responsible person if they can no longer care for them.2、应采取适当步骤促进伴侣动物的绝育; Appropriate steps should be taken to promote and introduce the neutering of companion animals.3、应采取适当步骤实施伴侣动物的注册和识别; Appropriate steps should be taken to implement registration and identification of companion animals.4、关于伴侣动物的商业贸易应服从严格的法规,许可证和检查制度,以防止残酷对待动物以及过度繁殖。 The commercial trade in companion animals should be subject to strict regulation, licensing and inspection to prevent cruelty and the breeding of unwanted animals. 5、兽医和其他有资格的人士应被授权批准在伴侣动物遭遗弃或流量的情况下人道消灭伴侣动物,或者给予伴侣动物足够多的关怀以保证它们的福利; Veterinary surgeons and other qualified persons should be authorised to humanely destroy companion animals that are abandoned and cannot be re-homed or provided with adequate care to ensure their welfare.6、不人道以及无差别消灭伴侣动物的方法,包括毒杀、枪杀、打死、溺死和屠杀都应该被禁止。 Destruction of companion animals by inhumane and indiscriminate methods, including poisoning, shooting, beating, drowning and strangulation should be prohibited. 看了世界动物保护协会发布的《动物福利宣言》之后,你有什么想说的呢?